Our 13th Illuminator - Kristin Raphaela Otti
Shaman, Artist & Storyteller
If you are interested in watching my Illuminator Series video, send me an e-mail for a private link.
Kristin Raphaela Otti was born and raised in the Lavant Valley in Southern Austria, Carinthia. She is a shaman, storyteller, artist and drawer, a student eternal, who never stops learning and pursuing new paths, using the playful approach of a trickster to the ways of old, initiating change. Being a teacher and change manager by trade, she loves analyzing old structures, tearing them down and from the ensuing chaos of creation, dreams a new path into being.
Kristin is a firekeeper, tending to the fires of winter in the hearts of those, who wish to embark on a journey deep within themselves and reignite their dreams. Our lives have become rituals, our dreams routines, our hearts are frozen, encased in ice, yet there is an ember within our hearts, a spark, that, no matter, how deep and harsh the winter in our lives is, no matter, what we have experienced, cannot be extinguished – winterfire, hope eternal. It is the energy we can feel in every being, every plant, before they burst into bloom again, it is our pure essence, our fire, our dream. She works individually, in her way, no healing ceremony is the same, for there are no rituals to be held, but lives to be celebrated, beautiful hearts to be seen and unique dreams to be dreamt. A shaman’s task is to guide you, while you are embarking on a journey deep within your very core, your heart. Each and every single one of us, without exception, is a unique gift to this world, to all of creation. Each and every single heart bears healing within, a seed of light, waiting to be seen, to take root, to grow and to come into full bloom. A shaman takes you by the hand, guiding you through your shadows, so you can recognize your uniqueness and your incredible beauty, see yourself with bright and clear eyes, love yourself and know yourself for the gift you are. A shaman is there to guide you through storytelling, teaching and bringing back the ceremonies into your life, for your life is a ceremony and not a ritual, a gift to both you and to this world. |
"Kristin draws and paints the spirits, the fire, she sees within the hearts of those she meets on her path and walks with as a guide, mentor and teacher. She draws the energies of the white animal spirits, the light within us, our gift to this world, our potential." Kristin draws and paints the spirits, the fire, she sees within the hearts of those she meets on her path and walks with as a guide, mentor and teacher. She draws the energies of the white animal spirits, the light within us, our gift to this world, our potential, born during the nights, we have experienced in our lives. Each and every spirit animal is unique, a bearer of healing wisdom, a mentor, companion and guide on our path, who speaks from the heart. She is currently working on two projects, building “LearnToBloom” and “Winterfire”, organizations aiming to empower people to turn from victim into healer, daring to dream a new life and a new world into being. |
For more information on the Green Tent Circle go to
Official Statement regarding the Green Tent Circle
As a result of the actions taken by the Green Tent Circle (GTC) after me having asked the GTC to respect my copyright regarding my stories and art, as well as to honor my request not to hand out my Illuminator Series video and to not publish it on any platform, I have ended all collaboration with the GTC effective immediately.
The Green Tent Circle has since taken down my Illuminator Series webpage (13th Illuminator), all pages linked to Animal Wisdom Speaks and the collaboration between the GTC and Animal Wisdom Speaks, my personal blog as well as all pages linked to the three storytelling events I have organised for the GTC.
Note that I have worked for the Green Tent Circle for free for more than a year, organising events, building the homepage together with Leah Myers, working and organising Glad Tidings, bringing in new bloggers and organising their blogs and community pages, as well as organising Illuminator Series 19 "Angaangaq" while working on a project in Germany.
If you take a look at the homepage of the Green Tent Circle now, it will seem as if I had not done the aforementioned. Note that I can prove that I have by communications, archived videos, sound files worked on, screenshots and stories and art submitted.
As a result of the way the Green Tent Circle is handling my request to honour my ideas and my copyright, instead of taking the steps outlined by Leah Myers of the Green Tent Circle in their first reply to me, I distance myself completely from the circle and its founder Ann Smith.
Kristin Raphaela Otti