Kristin draws and paints the spirits, the fire, she sees within the hearts of those she meets on her path and walks with as a guide, mentor and teacher. She draws the energies of the animal spirits, the light within us and the shadows hidden in plain sight, our gift to this world, our potential, a gift that is our responsibility to develop and honour, born during the nights, we have experienced in our lives. It is the gift we bring into this life, when we dare to look into our own darkness, into our abyss and walk our path till the end. Each and every spirit animal is unique, a bearer of healing wisdom, a mentor, companion and guide on our path, who speaks from the heart. She gives these drawings as a gift or - if you so wish - you can commission a drawing and she will take a look into your heart. If Kristin gifts you a drawing, it is indeed a gift and nothing is expected in return. She gifts the drawings to those walking with her at different stages during learning and growing together or to people she meets in cafés or on trains. Why? It is our responsibility to tell others about the incredible gift we see within them. The gift of life is not about dimming the light of others or belittling them, it is about speaking of the beauty found in every being of creation, uplifting others, helping each other to blossom and to bloom and thus create a world in which hope and love are the emotions watering the seeds of light we bear in our hearts. |
At times Kristin will hand out a drawing as an invitation into her circle and as an invitation to walk with her. Walking with her means walking side by side, shoulder to shoulder, heart to heart.
There is no such thing as a master, for learning never ends. If you are walking with Kristin, you are her mentor just as much as she will be a mentor to you and both of you will be students of each other. Your power comes from within, so dare to say no and use your own tools, your own wisdom and combine, what you have learnt from her with what is within you. Your power does not come or stem from Kristin or from copying or taking from her. It comes from within your own heart. Trust yourself. You are the gift. You are enough. |